Americans can’t tolerate more liberal brilliance

Poor, poor, liberals feel so put upon and unappreciated. Their brilliance seems so clear and real to them and Conservatives are obviously dim-witted cretins, they reason, by virtue of their complete lack of awe for the liberal mind. Of course, if their ideas were truly that magnificent, the cities and states they’ve controlled for decades…… Continue reading Americans can’t tolerate more liberal brilliance

Hope and Change and the Used To Haves

One way of grouping Americans has been as the haves and have nots. Now there is a new group many American families belong to, the used-to-haves. They used to have jobs, careers, homes, savings, hopes and dreams. Now they have fears, little hope and are dazed and battered. Survivors of a destructive financial tsunami. The destruction…… Continue reading Hope and Change and the Used To Haves

Can a Society Maintain Under Stress When One Half Attacks the Other?

We’re all pretending that Washington, D.C. isn’t subject to reality, that it can continue indefinitely spending non-existent money creating a flood of wealth out of air to keep us financially afloat and stave off a terrible disaster. Not that we believe it, but we don’t know what else to do but pretend. Like the Chinese…… Continue reading Can a Society Maintain Under Stress When One Half Attacks the Other?

Freedom of Speech in El Paso, MEX oops TX

Freedom of speech is alive and well in El Paso, Mex TX.  But only if you are willing to agree with the mayor and city council.  The effects of the last forty years of cultural revolution in the United States can be seen the lost of freedoms of the citizens of El Paso. They exercised they right…… Continue reading Freedom of Speech in El Paso, MEX oops TX

Illegal Aliens Awarded $350,000: Because They Were Arrested!

ICE: ‘NOT AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY OR FAULT ON THE PART OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’ Undocumented. Unafraid. Unapologetic. People who are in this country illegally are unafraid of the consequences for breaking U.S. law – not to mention unapologetic – but who could blame them? They are now suing the federal government for being arrested. And…… Continue reading Illegal Aliens Awarded $350,000: Because They Were Arrested!

CULTURAL MARXISM: The Corruption of America – Full Video

Over the last few months I have shared some of the videos I have gathered from my travels around the interweb. Here on Conclub we routinely strive to showcase the cultural and moral decay of society and how that is undermining the most basic building blocks of Western Civilization. CULTURAL MARXISM: The Corruption of America…… Continue reading CULTURAL MARXISM: The Corruption of America – Full Video

The Sobbing Kenyan

Who among us has not been flabbergasted by the fact that half the country still supports our infamous president? We scratch our heads in disbelief, thinking, what will it take to bring sobriety to the populace. All the more infuriating as we know that Hussein must be booted out in the next election if the…… Continue reading The Sobbing Kenyan

Obama: ‘When Congress Refuses to Act, Joe and I Will Act’

DAMN THE CONSTITUTION, FULL SPEED AHEAD! PRESIDENT WON’T TAKE ‘NO’ FOR AN ANSWER That “We Can’t Wait” thing? He meant that. Barack Obama has once again asserted that if Congress does not enact his policies in the future, the US Constitution be damned – the boy king will continue to forge ahead on his own.…… Continue reading Obama: ‘When Congress Refuses to Act, Joe and I Will Act’

Greeks, then Italians, then Europe, then the U.S. in Historical Order…

Historically the Greeks led the way into Western technological civilization, followed by Romans, the rest of Europe and North America in that order…and now they’re leading all of us back out. They couldn’t govern themselves back then and they still can’t today and unfortunately, the rest of us are still following their lead. The oft-prescribed end…… Continue reading Greeks, then Italians, then Europe, then the U.S. in Historical Order…


On January 10, 1963, the Hon. A. S. Herlong, Jr spoke to the House of Representatives, . “Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land,Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism and, until recently, published the De Land Courier which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of…… Continue reading Constitution

Liberal Media Newscasts Continue to Ignore Obama’s Assault on Catholics

OBAMA MEDIA GROUP BLACKOUT OF REGIME’S MANDATE AGAINST CATHOLICS CONTINUES The water carriers of the Obama Regime are working their Obama-tattooed asses off these days – doing nothing. “Doing nothing” that is, as it relates to their blackout of Obama’s full metal jacket assault on the Catholic Church. Nary a peep from the liberal media. The lapdogs…… Continue reading Liberal Media Newscasts Continue to Ignore Obama’s Assault on Catholics

The Endless Incarnations of the Magic Negro

What remains of genteel urban life in America is currently being sabotaged by gangs of feral “ghetto youth” on the rampage. This in itself is not spectacular news; similar outbreaks appear with some regularity throughout the world. The difference is in the complicity of certain government agencies and the establishment press. The more widespread the…… Continue reading The Endless Incarnations of the Magic Negro

Obama Regime Offers $75,000 Grants to Increase the Use of Food Stamps

REWARDS FOR GROUPS WHO DEVISE PLANS TO INCREASE PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAM While the Obama Media Group got its race-baiting panties in a wad over Newt Gingrich’s recent reference to Barack Obama as the “Food Stamp President,” one thing is abundantly clear: If Obama is not the Food Stamp President, he sure is working his ass off to become the…… Continue reading Obama Regime Offers $75,000 Grants to Increase the Use of Food Stamps