Obama: Excusing the Inexcusable

As the race and religion debate continues to swirl around him, Senator Barack Obama is having trouble keeping his story straight. His close relationship with his self-described spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright, has become a lightning rod for criticism and condemnation by people across the political spectrum. His association with the David Duke of the black religious community is causing Obama to attempt to excuse the inexcusable and justify the unjustifiable while contradicting himself in the process. 

On My Faith and My Church

“The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign. I made it clear at the time that I strongly condemned his comments. But because Rev. Wright was on the verge of retirement, and because of my strong links to the Trinity faith community, where I married my wife and where my daughters were baptized, I did not think it appropriate to leave the church.” – Barack Obama 03-14-08

I promptly labeled this the “ignorant boob” defense.  The “I didn’t know nothin’ “argument lasted about four days to be followed by the “everyone’s racist, throw Grandma under the bus, I knew about it all along but that’s ok” defense. 

Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely – just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.  – Barack Obama 03-18-08

This, of course, was a direct contradiction of his Sergeant Shultz Huffingtonpost statement issued just a few days before. I wish he’d make up his mind. Will the real Barack please stand up? Which is it? You can’t have it both ways. And will the press be as observant as myself or just swallow the excuses hook, line and sinker? The American people should demand answers and the truth about a major presidential candidate having a bigot as a spiritual advisor.

It would also appear that Mr. Obama is woefully uniformed on what actually comes forth from the average pastor, priest or rabbi. If anyone has actually watched the various clips of the good Reverand at his best it is amazing that Barry could stand ten minutes of that, let alone twenty-three years worth. My educated guess is that the fear of the possible (and probable) existence of a tape showing Barack nodding along to a radical and racist tirade by the good Reverend Wright helped him to change his mind in a hurry. So much for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, aura that the Senator from Illinois had been so careful to cultivate.

The increasing panic in regards to these most recent revelations and Rev. Wrights racist rants was almost palpable. Most of us could not get away with having a twenty plus year relationship with an anti-Semitic, anti-American mentor, but we are being asked to excuse that simply based on the candidate’s race and ‘rage’ at past injustices or something or other. The concept that African American pastors, and candidates, should get a free pass on disturbing behavior and speech simply because of their race is not an argument that I am willing to concede.

Either Barack Obama was just using Jeremiah Wright as a tool to gain acceptance in the black community all these years, or he actually believes this garbage and thought it was acceptable to expose his young children to such divisive and bitter sentiments, or he has just showed extremely and incredibly poor judgment over the last quarter century. I guess it’s just a case of picking your poison.

Certainly any of these reasonable conclusions casts some dark doubts onto whether or not someone like that is even remotely qualified to be the President of the United States. I am pleased that it wasn’t just me who noticed the flip flopping and ‘contradicting’ (to put it nicely) from He who can do no wrong. I guess in all the gushing, swooning and tear wiping over the new Gettysburg address, many forgot to ask the most important question of all. What about the lying and deceiving?

Buried in Eloquence, Obama Contradictions About Pastor

Buried in his eloquent, highly praised speech on America’s racial divide, Sen. Barack Obama contradicted more than a year of denials and spin from him and his staff about his knowledge of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s controversial sermons.

It increasingly appears that mere eloquence may be all it takes for one to find one’s way to the white house. The gushing in response to the throwing Grandma under the bus because we used to have to ride in the back of it speech was interesting to watch.Some have indeed been nearly giddy over Obama’s version of Mitt Romney’s well received Mormon speech earlier in the year.

“[It was] best speech ever given on race in this country… I think this is the kind of speech I think first graders should see, people in the last year of college should see before they go out in the world. This should be, to me, an American tract.” —MSNBC’s Chris Matthews

While others have been less than impressed:

“[Barack] Obama says Rev. [Jeremiah] Wright is no longer among his campaign’s spiritual advisers.’ Obama should not be asked which of Rev. Wright’s outrageous statements he disagrees with, but rather which ones he does agree with. That Obama remains a member in good standing of Trinity United Church of Christ indicates that he prefers the company of many people who have demonstrated that they believe what their pastor has said.” —Cal Thomas 

It remains to be seen if Sen. Obama managed to get the upper hand in this controversy while issuing enough reassurances that his crazy “uncle”  is just an excusable contradiction to his public persona that he has so carefully constructed over the last few years. While this may satisfy the faithful that he is not just an easily led empty suit rubbing shoulders with radicals and racists, the entire situation does put a few more doubts in the minds of the so-called ‘moderates’ who increasingly see Sen. McCain as the only adult in the race watching the children wrestle in the mud.

It does appear that this speech was all the Main Stream Media needed to excuse their favorite presidential candidate from his unsavory associations and more than questionable judgment in the matter. Whether this was ‘too little, too late’ remains to be seen and whether this episode was enough of an excuse for superdelegates to break for Hillary despite the protestations of their constituents will be an interesting thing to watch for at the Denver Democratic convention.

By Dave the Sage

Dave is everything that the Left hates; a happily married, heterosexual, white Christian male. A long time conservative activist, blogger, and columnist he resides in beautiful Northern Colorado and is the proud father of three daughters. "The Sage" is a sometimes philosopher, ideologue, and seer and always a tireless defender of the middle class, common sense, and the American way of life. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of Ministers of the Gospel he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. Dave's articles have been featured on multiple radio programs including The G. Gordon Liddy Show. Various columns have appeared on over one hundred different blogs and websites and he is a regular contributor to numerous political commentary websites, news sites, and webzines. His article “Concealed Carry and the Right of Self-Defense" was recently published in the high school textbook “At Issue: Guns and Crime.” The author believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. Dave is a charter member of the Constitution Club blog and serves as the site administrator. His "day job" is working for private probation company.


  1. You’re overlooking something:

    “The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation.”

    refers to specific statements: “…that are the cause of this controversy…”. However:

    “Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. (etc…)”

    refers to a general category of controversial statements (uttered in Obama’s presence).

    The two may or may not overlap, or they may only partially overlap, but they’re not necessarily contradictory. Only when they overlap completely, they contradict each other, in any other case they don’t or don’t contradict enough to justify -stricktly speaking- the claim that Obama has contradicted himself.

  2. Does anyone think that any of this really matters? The people who care about this were never going to vote for Barack Hussein Obama anyway, and the people who were going to vote for him don’t think that this is that big a deal.

    Heck, the worst possible result from this would be that it would harm the candidate, right now, when the story is fresh — and give the nomination to Hillary Clinton!

  3. hirhashirim – Welcome to Conclub, thanks for commenting, please continue to comment. My counter to your point is who cares? Obama is not in court accused of perjury. The fish stinks; that’s why I know it is rotten.

  4. Mr Warner: Then don’t you think we ought to save it until after the nomination — or would you rather see Mrs Clinton win the Democratic nomination?

    An interesting question for Con Clubbers would be: if you assume that the Democratic nominee will win the general election, who would you prefer was the nominee?

    I dislike Mr Obama’s policies, but I absolutely loathe everything about Mrs Clinton.

  5. Mr. Pico: Apparently my poor communication skills have prevented me from being clear. I have made posts, I have commented directly to you on this site and your own, about how Senator Obama is a far more frightening prospect as president than Senator Clinton.

    I would much rather have Senator Clinton as the nominee if we are to assume the Democratic Party’s candidate will win.

    Senator Clinton is a egocentric power hungry woman. She is simply an angry socialist. The Clinton machine is formidable. She is also pragmatic in her outlook. We can trust her to look always to her own self interest. We have survived this type of president countless times; her husband most recently.

    Barry Obama is a wide-eyed true believing global socialist. His avowed programs may align with Clinton, but his heart lies far to the left. Look to his latest speeches – his prescription for “racist America” is a socialist program on a scale that would have warmed FDR’s heart.

    One thing that is definitely worse than a Democrat who puts personal and party interests above our country’s in national security is an enlightened pacifist like Senator Obama. He shares the European view that we have caused the rise of radical Islam. He believes we need to atone. He will cast away Israel in a search for their approval.

    I try very hard to not look at them from a personal standpoint. I do not care for Senator Clinton at all. To me she is distasteful. Senator Obama does appear to be engaging, but I believe his presidency can damage this nation is ways we can not imagine.

    This little episode with Wright tipped Obama’s hand. He seek to help the downtroddened peoples of the world to unite. To help effect the change that will remake the world. Both you and I Dana got to watch from the pews what Catholic-Marxist Liberation Theology did throughout Latin America. How it cost countless lives. Barry and his pastor think it is “still” a good idea. The only thing is Obama won’t have a Polish Pope around to stop him.

  6. PG – He shares the European view that we have caused the rise of radical Islam. He believes we need to atone. He will cast away Israel in a search for their approval.

    What has Obama said or done that leads you to believe this? You are absolutely entitled to your opinion of course but I have not heard Obama say anything to this effect.

    Personally I’d rather see Obama in the White House. I am by no means a big fan of his liberal policies but between he and Clinton I feel it is pretty much a wash. I suppose with me it is a matter of trust I just do NOT trust Billary. I can’t really win in this one so I won’t jump on anyone who disagrees.

  7. Now Thom are you accusing me of not having a foundation for my view? I tell you what – since I am sure you have been to busy to look into things as fully as you should I will be happy to direct you. Many of the links I will give will be duplicates, please read them. You may not agree with my view, but my view is not unique nor is it unknown my young friend. Geez.

    What in the hell good any of this does I have no clue. You do posts, you build arguments, you provide foundation and nobody reads it. Both Dana and Thom want me to explain things again that I have been explaining for months.

  8. Now now no need to get testy I’m not accusing you of anything. Just because I am asking you to elaborate on your opinion doesn’t mean that I think it has no merit.

    I’ve seen a great many of your posts about Obama and many other things but this is the first I can recall you mentioning casting away Israel. If it was said in the last few days then I would have missed out as I was ou of the loop for ahile there.

  9. Dana, my guess that this whole Wright thing was leaked to the media by a Clinton operative. I don’t think the Repubs would have chosen to reveal this at this time. So ‘we’ can’t be blamed for the timing. We, I, whoever, are just choosing to pile it on a bit even though it may be helping Hillary. I would prefer Hillary as the Democratic nominee for different reasons than PG, E, and some of the others. But the end result, and goal, are the same.

  10. Excellent column, Dave. I basically agree, too, with everything PG says in comment #6. I’ve always believed that Hillary is one of the most responsible Dems, and I would therefore fear her presidency less than Obama’s, but I have come to believe that she will be a weaker general election candidate than Obama, as well.

  11. The real Barack is standing up. He’s a vapid, charismatic person who can talk about his grandmother so eloquently one day and then call her a “typical white person” the next. He can make Clinton out to be oh-so-terrible for just about anything, but if she says one word that could even remotely be construed as anti-Obama-our-savior, God help her. He had a two-hour long ad on MSNBC tonight. It’s all presentation. The emperor has no clothes!

  12. Update to my comment #16: A close look at the latest polls at Real Clear Politics confirms that Obama is significantly weaker than Clinton in both Florida and Ohio.

    I think Obama will struggle mightily in FL, because he openly supports trade and dialogue with Cuba, and because his connection to Wright and his position on Israel will hurt him with the Jewish vote. And for whatever reason, Obama isn’t nearly as popular in OH as Hillary is. If a Democratic candidate can’t win FL or OH, they are in trouble in the general. Not eliminated, by any stretch, but definitely in trouble.

    Maybe I will need to re-reassess my desired Democratic opponent.

  13. Dave: Dana, my guess that this whole Wright thing was leaked to the media by a Clinton operative.

    It didn’t really need to be leaked. Trinity UCC has been selling the DVDs all along. All the media had to do was take the time to view them.

  14. I don’t know whether I believe that Mr Obama is further to the left than Mrs Clinton; Mrs Clinton has been triangulating to run as a centrist — having seen what happened to the-most-liberal-record-in-the-Senate John Kerry in 2004, but I simply don’t believe her record, or her. I think she has one, and only one, principle: what’s best for Hillary Clinton, and the rest of us can go to Hell.

    Hillary Clinton — and her husband — strike me as thinking that they are jusy so much smarter than the rest of us that they ought to run our lives for us. No, no, no, a thousand times, no! To (mis)quote Johnathan Edwards, “She can’t even run her own life; I’ll be damned if she’ll run mine!”

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