I’m still keeping an eye on Pakistan

Our friend Eric over at Tygrrrr Express has some thoughts on Pakistan without Pervez Musharaff. Eric has one of the better ‘one man show’ blogs on the web and his Sunday night football game synopsis should never be missed. And sadly, he won’t come blog for us so we have to “go to him”. Conclub has managed to snag some exceptional writers like THB and founder DFV, but Eric could not be tempted to make the jump.

Pakistan is not a situation that can be resolved with hope, change, or ‘Yes, we can.” That eliminates Mr. Obama. It cannot be resolved with tough talk from pretty boys that made their living suing people. Sorry, Mr. Edwards. 35 years of experience and solutions do not count if those solutions are completely fictional. Mrs. Clinton, just sit down.

I repeatedly refer to the republicans as the party of adults precisely because of moments like this.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons. If Islamofacist terrorists gain access to these weapons, the entire world could blow up. Do those on the left care? Of course not. Musharraf was an ally of President Bush, so he must be bad.

This is what the left calls reasoning. President Bush is evil. Therefore, his allies must be evil as well. His enemies must be good, which is why condemnation for Musharraf was not extended to Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden.

By Dave the Sage

Dave is everything that the Left hates; a happily married, heterosexual, white Christian male. A long time conservative activist, blogger, and columnist he resides in beautiful Northern Colorado and is the proud father of three daughters. "The Sage" is a sometimes philosopher, ideologue, and seer and always a tireless defender of the middle class, common sense, and the American way of life. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of Ministers of the Gospel he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. Dave's articles have been featured on multiple radio programs including The G. Gordon Liddy Show. Various columns have appeared on over one hundred different blogs and websites and he is a regular contributor to numerous political commentary websites, news sites, and webzines. His article “Concealed Carry and the Right of Self-Defense" was recently published in the high school textbook “At Issue: Guns and Crime.” The author believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. Dave is a charter member of the Constitution Club blog and serves as the site administrator. His "day job" is working for private probation company.


  1. There was a time when I remember Obama being tarred as TOO reckless regarding Pakistan. McCain is the one who has been very tentative about it. See, we actually want to GET Bin Laden. It’s not just a slogan for us. REPUBLICANS are the ones who say, “It’s not that big a deal”, “He’s just a figurehead”, “He’s already weak, who cares”.

    Hey Dave, dunno if you heard, but they instructed the Denver police not to arrest people for smoking pot! You can go nuts now!

  2. Yes Wes the Denver City Council did give the police that instruction, just like they have passed ordinances eliminating penalties for its use. They ignore those ordinances and prosecute under the state laws. They have announced they will continue to do so during the convention. You better tell Barry.

    We want Bin Laden. We just are not willing to invade an ally that was, and is, teetering on the brink. They teach that principle in the same course where it is not good to meet and negotiates with mad men bent on destruction.

  3. I was responding to the email, which seemed to be unable to decide whether Obama was too weak on Pakistan or too reckless.

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