ACORN: Voter Fraud, Illegal Contributions, and the Coming Liberal Nanny State

(my latest column)

Have you ever wondered about “community organizing” and the swarming “get out the vote” goon squads that the Left increasingly mobilizes for presidential elections? ACORN is one of the largest of these entities and has an extensive and long history with Barack Obama. It is one of the central players in the massive Democratic voter registration drives you’ve been hearing about over the last few months.

What we are beginning to learn is that it is little more than a massive exercise in voter fraud and mischief of all kinds. Dead Indians and illegal aliens have long been a significant Democratic voting base in certain parts of the country but now that concept of electoral fraud has spread throughout the nation.

ACORN has long suckled at the public teat and is rewarding such trust and expenditures of the public treasury by managing to subject itself to scrutiny or investigation in no less than eleven different states by submitting thousands of fraudulent new voter registrations. The usual dead suspects are now being supplemented by small children and even the names of sport celebrities.
A good example from the New York Post.
CLEVELAND – A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.
The best part of that post was the quote “in apparent violation of Ohio law” for someone registering to vote 72 times. We wouldn’t actually want to call that illegal now would we? What a bold reporter.
We wouldn’t want to somehow taint such a wonderful organization as Acorn that is working so hard to assure the election of Barack Obama.
That’s just this year. In 2004, four Acorn employees were indicted in Ohio for submitting false voter registrations. In 2005, two Colorado Acorn workers were found to have submitted false registrations. Four Acorn Missouri employees were indicted in 2006; five were found guilty in Washington state in 2007 for filling out registration forms with names from a phone book.
Which brings us to Mr. Obama, who got his start as a Chicago “community organizer” at Acorn’s side. In 1992 he led voter registration efforts as the director of Project Vote, which included Acorn. This past November, he lauded Acorn’s leaders for being “smack dab in the middle” of that effort. Mr. Obama also served as a lawyer for Acorn in 1995, in a case against Illinois to increase access to the polls.
During his tenure on the board of Chicago’s Woods Fund, that body funneled more than $200,000 to Acorn. More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate. The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for “staging, sound, lighting.” It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote.
See also:
In response to the Las Vegas raid, Republican Nevada Sen. John Ensign and seven other senators penned a letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency calling for the suspension of taxpayer dollars to “controversial groups like ACORN.” The letter referred to contributions that potentially could come from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. 
In 2006, ACORN also committed what Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed called the “worse case of election fraud” in the state’s history. 
In the case, ACORN submitted just over 1,800 new voter registration forms, and all but six of the 1,800 names were fake. 
More recently, 27,000 registrations handled by the group from January to July 2008 “went into limbo because they were incomplete, inaccurate, or fraudulent,” said James Terry, chief public advocate at the Consumers Rights League.
It is outright criminal negligence that a single penny of the public money has ever crossed the palm of ACORN, let alone the millions of taxpayer dollars that continue to fund such groups. And shame on Obama for having ever been involved with ACORN to begin with. When taxpayers are in effect funding the takeover of the state by the advocates of the Leftist ideology, any hope for the Republic is probably long past. Did I mention that the “bailout bill” added some $140 million plus to the ACORN coffers?
None of this will be responsible for Obama’s victory, but it is instructive, nonetheless. One the one hand, it clarifies Obama’s radical, machine-politics rearing, and gives usa taste of what his administration may hold.
Can you imagine if a Republican were intimately entwined with a corrupt racket whose sole focus was to defraud the US treasury and to despoil the US political system? Now imagine if that Republican were a party-radical and his party’s nominee for President. – my blogger DFV at
ACORN has hurridly attempted to scrub it’s home page as scrutiny and press coverage of their activities has sharply increased. But apparently not fast enough. I haven’t taken the time to wade through these links but what they contained worried ACORN enough to warrant their quick and unceremonious removal.
Hand in hand with all this Left wing shanagins is the revelations that there been thousands of dollars in illegal campaign donations flowing into the Obama coffers. Between these two, um, “irregularities” there should at least be an eyebrow or two raised as the minions of The One seek to ensure victory no matter what the cost, or what the law may have to say about the matter.
…The complaint followed an article on the conservative Web site that highlighted thousands of dollars in contributions, made in increments of $25 dating back to March, from “Good Will” in Austin, Tex., who listed his employer as “Loving” and his occupation as “You,” as well as thousands in small contributions that started last November from a “Doodad Pro” in Nunda, N.Y., with the same employer and occupation.
When you strip away the political correctness and put away the pretend Greek temple pillars you don’t really have much left. Eric at had this to say  about Barack Obama.
He does not transcend race. He does not transcend politics. He does not transcend anything. He climbed the ranks of Chicago, which does not happen ethically.
He was a community organizer. So are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. This is not about race. It is about corruption. Community Organizers are agitators. They are rabble rousers. This is how Obama ended up knee deep in ACORN. They are sympatico in their belief that community organizing, regardless of the law, is fair game.
Like lemmings off a cliff, the American people are getting ready to hand the presidency to someone who will, with his congressional allies, work to create the most powerful, intrusive and hideously obese federal government that has ever been seen. The plans have been laid to intrude on every aspect of your personal, financial and business life. All the name of climate change, the public good, and saving you from yourself. The question is only how quickly we will manage to model ourselves as some sort of post-modernist,  European style, socialist state and how much real freedom will you willingly hand over without a fight to an entity that will never give it back. These are the questions we as a nation will very quickly be forced to ask of itself. The spirit of liberty may not be pleased with the answer.
With Bush managing to soil the Republican brand, the netroots and the street hustlers doing their part, and Obama promising the sun, moon and stars and everything in between (not to mention Oprah proclaiming him “The One”) this race is all but over and the outcome all but certain.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Be careful what you wish for. Indeed, change is coming. But it is certainly not the kind of change we need. If you thought the current state of affairs and the collusion between big government and big business was bad, wait until you see the coming Liberal nanny state.

By Dave the Sage

Dave is everything that the Left hates; a happily married, heterosexual, white Christian male. A long time conservative activist, blogger, and columnist he resides in beautiful Northern Colorado and is the proud father of three daughters. "The Sage" is a sometimes philosopher, ideologue, and seer and always a tireless defender of the middle class, common sense, and the American way of life. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of Ministers of the Gospel he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. Dave's articles have been featured on multiple radio programs including The G. Gordon Liddy Show. Various columns have appeared on over one hundred different blogs and websites and he is a regular contributor to numerous political commentary websites, news sites, and webzines. His article “Concealed Carry and the Right of Self-Defense" was recently published in the high school textbook “At Issue: Guns and Crime.” The author believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. Dave is a charter member of the Constitution Club blog and serves as the site administrator. His "day job" is working for private probation company.


  1. Do you approve of anybody right now David? I was just wondering. Bush soiled the Republican brand? He cut taxes. That is all Reagan ever did. Bush did not increase government at the rate Reagan did. Name me one national politician you believe is a real Republican, one in say the last twenty years.

    Trashing Obama with ACORN is fine. Obama is a street activist in the old style. ACORN has historically been a product of the unions. These fabricated registrations mean nothing. They are nothing more than an excuse for righteous indignation. ACORN real corruption lies in its activism.

    If you thought the current state of affairs and the collusion between big government and big business was bad,…

    Do you want to back that up with something beside your populist rhetoric?

    ADD: Sorry, but I walked away from the computer and this crap is still bothering me. The market has lost 4,000 points and SIX TRILLION DOLLARS. There no longer is a Wall Street. Dave, who in all likelihood pays no taxes, blames ‘evil big business’, Bush and goodness knows who else for bailing out said ‘evil dudes’. Then he wants a bailout himself on his home loan because he was ‘eviled’ on it also. Plus he does not want his taxes dollars, which he does not pay, going to this bailout.

    Bush is the reason, and the only reason, people like Dave pay no income tax. He is also the guy Dave is blaming for colluding with big business. UGH! Enough already!

  2. I do need Dave’s advice now. I know you are a fan Dave of Orson Scott Card. I am going to read (listen) to a book of his I have decided. Which one do I start with? He has written like 10,000 of them?

    See, I really do love Dave! 🙂

  3. Enders Game is long but a very good one and probably his best. I really liked his character development. That would be my first choice for you. Enders Game was designed as a stand alone novel, but Orson Scott Card proceeded to then write a follow up trilogy (Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide and Children of the Mind).

    I just discovered today while reading an interview that Orson Scott Card first read ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’ when he was ten. I was eleven. I guess that is why he is a better writer and story teller than I… Dang it.

    In all honesty. I do feel that Card is very intelligent and that he can bring a story and a character to life in a way very few writers can. In many way, he ruined a lot of reading for me. So many others pale in comparison that their books become merely third rate wastes of time in many respects after reading his creations. If you ‘click’ with his style and his method of storytelling then you will like his stories. I think I have read just about every book he has written. They vary widely in quality. Some were poor, some outstanding, and some were almost there and I could feel what he was reaching for but they didn’t quite ‘make it’ to the level I know he is capable of.

  4. Falsified registrations become votes

    And that makes ACORN’s activities all the more dangerous, criminal, and infuriating.

    The liberal “community organizing” group ACORN became a campaign issue last month after Nevada’s Democratic attorney general and its Democratic secretary of state teamed up to conduct a highly visible raid of the group’s Las Vegas offices. They seized files on what could be thousands of fraudulent voter registrations.

    After ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, complained the raid was a “stunt” designed to hinder its efforts at minority registration, Larry Lomax, the chief elections officer in Las Vegas, responded that the group’s claims it had extensive quality controls to catch fraudulent registrations were “pathetic.” He noted that ACORN had hired 59 inmates from a work-release program at a nearby prison and that some inmates who had been convicted of identity theft had been made supervisors. That led some local wags to joke that at least ACORN was hiring specialists to do their work.

    ACORN’s second line of defense has been that fraudulent registrations can’t turn into fraudulent votes, as if the felony of polluting voter lists was somehow not all that serious. But that defense goes only a short distance. “How would you know if people using fake names had cast votes in states without strict ID laws?” says GOP Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita, who this year won a major Supreme Court case upholding his state’s photo identification law. “It’s almost impossible to detect and once the fraudulent voter leaves the precinct or casts an absentee ballot, that vote is thrown in with other secret ballots there’s no way to trace it.”

    Anita MonCrief, an ACORN whistle-blower who worked for both it and its Project Vote registration affiliate from 2005 until early this year, agrees. “It’s ludicrous to say that fake registrations can’t become fraudulent votes,” she told me. “I assure you that if you can get them on the rolls you can get them to vote, especially using absentee ballots.” MonCrief, a 29-year old University of Alabama graduate who wanted to become part of the civil rights movement, worked as a strategic consultant for ACORN as well as a development associate with Project Vote and sat in on meetings with the national staffs of both groups. She has given me documents that back up many of her statements, including one that indicates that the goal of ACORN’s New Mexico affiliate was that only 40 percent of its submitted registrations had to be valid.

    MonCrief also told me that some ACORN affiliates had a conscious strategy of flooding voter registration offices with suspect last-minute forms in part to create confusion and chaos that would make it more likely suspect voters would be allowed to cast ballots by overworked officials. Nate Toller, who worked on ACORN registration drives and headed an ACORN campaign against Wal-Mart in California until 2006, agrees. “There’s no quality control on purpose, no checks and balances,” he told me.

    There are already documented examples of fraudulent registrations being converted into fraudulent votes in Ohio, where ACORN and other groups were active. Darrell Nash, an ACORN registration worker, submitted an illegal form for himself and then cast a paper ballot during the state’s “early voting” period….

    Message to Wes: There’s just no defending them, try as you might. They’re insidious cheats. And your side likes to bitch and moan about how Republicans “steal” elections. It’s hogwash, and you know it.

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