Martha Raddatz: World’s Worst Debate “Moderator”

A member of the mainstream media exposes her agenda so brazenly that even the “dumb little guys” can see through it.  Specifically, a 3rd grader and a very simple middle-aged man (classified as “educably mentally retarded”) watched this with me and agreed she was “strange,” “really weird,” and my favorite “maybe she’s friends with the Vice President.”

The problem I have with the moderator selection process is that it tends toward people with elitist, mainstream-media agendas.  This, once again, grants the bully pulpit to MSM who are in no ways above using it to advance their own causes (pro-abortion, socialism, elitism) at the expense of all others (esp. Constitutionally limited government, legal equality, and all things pro-life).

I propose that a slate of conservative and liberal moderators should be nominated online and that a popular vote be taken (again online) to select eight from among them–two more conservative and two more liberal.  Then we could have TWO of them (i.e. one from each camp) moderate every debate, leading exactly 50% of the questions to the candidate most like them, (and quieting the candidate most UNLIKE them in the event of Bidenesque pugnacious outbursts akin to those that turned Raddatz’s debate in the circus farce it was).  Even liberals have noted that her facts were garbage and her personal agenda obvious.

Raddatz needs to change careers and start training bears to dance–perhaps she’ll have better luck controlling more intelligent creatures than Old Joe.

By Vérité

I’ve left traditional employment for a few months to focus on my family following the recent loss of my wife and my second granddaughter when my wife’s airplane crashed on 6/17/21 (see I’m also producing content. If you want to support what I do or want to donate to our family, let me know and I’ll something that up. I’m so many things but the most important things are 1) a christian, 2) a father & grandfather, 3) the widower of the most amazing woman I ever met, 4) a patriot and Army veteran (MOS 98C), 5) a teacher of SO many things (a tutor, a STEM teacher in traditional classrooms before such a thing had a name, a corporate technology trainer, the K-8 home schooling parent of my kids while my wife was stationed overseas, a museum docent, a history, archeology and paleontology tour guide at two sites, and simply a perpetual student), 6) an HKN engineer (AKA a science, math and tech nerd who created a massive military community website as a volunteer), 7) a caregiver, 8) a certified optician, 9) a lifetime woodworker, 10) a recipe inventor and publisher, 11) an actor, singer, poet and dabbler in most every art I meet, 12) a hobbyist historian (and the victim of an AP art history class that led me to believe I wanted to be a renaissance man when I grew up (which I really never did), and 13) still silly enough to have earned a B.A. in psychology! If I had to pick exactly one self-definition it would be "loving God by loving people." I just wish I was a whole lot better at it!


  1. The give away – “If you’re elected, who will pay more taxes and who will pay less?”

    The premise of that question is as disgusting as anything I can imagine would that would not have her laughed off stage. That Mr. Ryan didn’t vomit tells me who he is. See my most recent post for an elaboration on the point.

  2. What I’ve never understood is why the Republican party agrees to his so consistently biased and one-sided selection process? It seems irrational, self-defeating, etc. Does anyone know?

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