Tolerating Radical Islam but Not Christian Bakers

– by the editors of –

At the White House Summit on Countering Religious Extremism, Barack Obama demanded we “refute the notion that groups like ISIL somehow represent Islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorists’ narrative.” He added, “No religion is responsible for terrorism,” ignoring that the aggressors in the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks this century have had their roots in radical interpretations of Islam, whether through al-Qaida or the Islamic State.

Obama seems to hold a millennium-long grudge against all Christians for the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, but he isolates the blame for terrorist acts to a small percentage of misguided radicals (who are in no way Muslim). That minority is on the march, however, slaughtering other Muslims who don’t conform with their strict interpretation of Islam along with Jews and Christians, like the 21 Coptic Christians recently beheaded in Libya – the ones Team Obama dismissively referred to as “Egyptian citizens.”

Obama, though, hasn’t weighed in on the cultural clash occurring right here at home. In 2013, the owners of an Oregon bakery called Sweet Cakes by Melissa refused to bake a cake for a same-sex marriage ceremony because doing so conflicted with their religious beliefs. Rather than respect the owners’ religious liberty and choose another bakers in the area, the lesbian couple filed a formal complaint with the state. That led to a recent ruling that the bakers denied the couple “full and equal access to a place of public accommodations.”

It’s the latest in a growing number of instances where those who believe marriage is solely between a man and a woman are being hounded by radicals demanding full recognition of same-sex “marriage.”

In Washington, a florist cited her religion in refusing to create arrangements for a same-sex ceremony – though she had previously served the couple. As Family Research Council President Tony Perkins explained, “[H]ere’s the catch. [Barronelle] Stutzman didn’t deny the men flowers, as the media wrongly suggests, but arrangements – which would have required Barronelle to use her personal artistry to express what she believes is a sinful message.”

Speaking after the state ruled against Stutzman, Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Kristen Waggoner put her finger on the fundamental message of the Rainbow Mafia: “Celebrate us or else.” She warned, “The ruling basically said that if you dare to not celebrate same-sex marriage because it violates your religious convictions, that the government has a right to bring about your personal and professional ruin.”

The florist herself said, after she pays all the fines and legal fees, “There won’t be anything left. They want my home, they want my business, they want my personal finances as an example for other people to be quiet.”

Muslims call this tax on non-believers the jizya. American leftists call it tolerance.

So, while Obama tries to excuse those whose religious dogma includes the wholesale slaughter of anyone who doesn’t buy the Islamist cake, American citizens who hold sincere religious beliefs – whose actions might be inconvenient to the “victims” but certainly aren’t fatal or even dangerous – find their livelihoods destroyed by the state in the name of fighting discrimination. That’s what happens when those in government think they grant rights instead of God.

It’s worth noting that, in areas controlled by ISIL, homosexuality is punishable by death. Somehow, that makes one’s inability to purchase a customized cake or flower arrangement from a particular business seem a bit less inconvenient.

By Dave the Sage

Dave is everything that the Left hates; a happily married, heterosexual, white Christian male. A long time conservative activist, blogger, and columnist he resides in beautiful Northern Colorado and is the proud father of three daughters. "The Sage" is a sometimes philosopher, ideologue, and seer and always a tireless defender of the middle class, common sense, and the American way of life. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of Ministers of the Gospel he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. Dave's articles have been featured on multiple radio programs including The G. Gordon Liddy Show. Various columns have appeared on over one hundred different blogs and websites and he is a regular contributor to numerous political commentary websites, news sites, and webzines. His article “Concealed Carry and the Right of Self-Defense" was recently published in the high school textbook “At Issue: Guns and Crime.” The author believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. Dave is a charter member of the Constitution Club blog and serves as the site administrator. His "day job" is working for private probation company.


  1. Jesus told his followers to pray for unbelievers, Mohammad told his to behead them There is a big difference! Muslims have been gaining in numbers and territory by torturing and killing unbelievers since the 7th century until the Ottoman empire was broken up after WWI in 1924. They enslaved and raped captive women and children during their rein of terror. They tried to invade Europe many times but were pushed back by Christians and the Crusades. Unless we know history we are fooled into believing terrorism is something new by Islam because of the “terrible things the United States is doing” or because ” Israel was made into a nation after WWII”. The truth is terrorist are following the teachings of the Quran just like they did during the Ottoman empire. Moderate Muslims are just the ones that don’t take Islam seriously. The radical Muslims are the ones who take it seriously because Islam is a radical belief. Islam seeks the establishment of Sharia law that calls for the submission and or death of unbelievers. Our constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Sharia law is, of its own nature, unconstitutional and can not be permitted in order to protect the very freedom of religion it seeks to destroy. The other problem with Islam is it isn’t just a religion, it is also a form of government that seeks to replace other forms of governments.

  2. Just wondering……is there such a thing as a “Gay” Muslim…….if not……why not…?? And if there is maybe they could go get a Muslim baker to bake them a cake celebrating their coming out or marriage maybe……and let’s see how devoted to his faith the baker is……aren’t you curious……to see if the government standard will apply equally to Muslim bakers as it does to Christian bakers…?? Just curious and asking !!

  3. Obama is an oversize-racist, ignorant, wilfully lying being. He knows nothing of History, Religions (given islam is that and not a cult/an ideology of death) such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. and of his own cult; he has no culture, except that of deceit and of destruction of liberties. He prefers pandering to and be in cahoots with assassins and butchers rather than respecting the freedoms engrained in Western democracies (clearly imperfect, but better than any other system offers) of the people to disagree and differ, without hurting anyone but perhaps a false self-pride.

    He has determinedly and ruthlessly dismantled the USA and their status of might in the world. He has badly eroded the hegemonic position of balance the USA enjoyed and which is of absolute necessity for opposing totalitarian regimes in over half of the world; has allowed illegal immigration to run roughshod over the country; and, by the time he exists (if he does 😦 ) the live political stage, America will be the shadow of herself, economically, politically, militarily, whilst he will have well lined his nest and that of his friends and will continue to do damage from the sidelines with the blood-thirsty, moronic and evil cohorts – the Sharptons, the Holders, the Jesse Jacksons of the world.

    And, by the looks of it after reading this piece, of the rights of individual to follow their own morals, ethics and religious beliefs – unless, of course, one is an islamonazi slaughterer.

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