Vérité 5/16/2022 My late wife lived outdoors and off the land as much as possible—year round—that’s tough here in Montana. She preferred her cowhide-bound Bible (and all her other books to be hard copies)—it was very few Kindle ebooks for her. She stubbornly stuck with her paper and pens for the important stuff long after…… Continue reading DOWNTIME

Climate Change Legislation In Action: Renewable Fuel Standard By The Numbers, And They Are Not Good MUST WATCH Lost in the “Climate Change Debate” or lack of one since the proponents have decided that they won the argument, is the discussion on what “being green” costs the average taxpayer. About a year ago, the people at put together the video above with a dizzying array of numbers showing how our everyday…… Continue reading Climate Change Legislation In Action: Renewable Fuel Standard By The Numbers, And They Are Not Good

Michelle Obama’s Skimpy School Lunches Suck

Lunch meat, a couple of crackers, a slice of cheese and two pieces of cauliflower recently was deemed “good enough” and served for  lunch in Chickasha, Oklahoma public schools. It complied with the newly lunch regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama and implemented by the USDA that severely restricts calories in public school lunches.…… Continue reading Michelle Obama’s Skimpy School Lunches Suck

New Sinful Consumable Taxation Target: Sugar

It does the body no good, but it sure is sweet Here we go again: Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams – of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or caloric sweetener. The measure (HB 5279),…… Continue reading New Sinful Consumable Taxation Target: Sugar

The Government Has Gained a BUNCH of weight, lets BAN them from spending anything more than $16.00 at a time! (They can spend $32.00, but they must get our permission twice!)

TOO DAMN FAT! Now look who doesn’t even fit in a one piece bathing suit anymore, that’s right, its the government. Inspired by New York City Mayor, Michael “the imperialist czar” Bloomberg, I have come to some conclusions about our governments here in America, the government has really put on some weight. I mean, its…… Continue reading The Government Has Gained a BUNCH of weight, lets BAN them from spending anything more than $16.00 at a time! (They can spend $32.00, but they must get our permission twice!)

It’s Those Darned Kids Again!

The recent comments of Hilary Rosen have both inflamed millions of stay-at-home-mothers, and ruined any Democratic battle plans for a spring and summer-long “War On Women”. I have realized that there were some things wrong with the “War On Women” and that it’s actually a farce. There IS a war going on – but it’s on children, not so much on women.

Shrinking the Outside

One of the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime is that the “outside” ceases to exist. In every sphere of life, one is restricted to the places, procedures, and ideology ordained by the Party. There is no escape, no alternative, no other frame of reference. In the most severe instance, the average person cannot even imagine…… Continue reading Shrinking the Outside

Double Test Tube Burger, Please…With Fries!

Our neo-Malthusian elites have returned to a repeatedly debunked belief: that population growth outstrips progress in supplying food. Evidently their Ivy schools don’t teach history since this canard has been foisted often enough and never supported by facts. The “green revolution” shot it down most recently (you can Google it). Nevertheless, it keeps returning, often…… Continue reading Double Test Tube Burger, Please…With Fries!

Obama Obesity Program Creating Capitalistic Entrepeneurs in L.A. High Schools?

Maybe the brainwashed, historically ignorant young people preparing to replace us aren’t going to be the sheep our almighty State is expecing.  Instead of meekly accepting the current Lefty pieties figureheaded by Mrs. Obama (in spirit, if not in example) concerning obesity and healthy diets, the L.A. schools have encountered what might even be considered…… Continue reading Obama Obesity Program Creating Capitalistic Entrepeneurs in L.A. High Schools?

Politicians Stand On Border Faces Both Ways At Once

Janus has remained past Romel: he just moved to Washington. The U.S. opened its borders to Mexicam truckers almost two decades ago with the North American Free Trade Act but under pressure from unions and businessmen fearing competition, it has refused them entry. U.S. consumers pay the higher prices resulting, plus the penalty tariffs slapped on…… Continue reading Politicians Stand On Border Faces Both Ways At Once

Update on The Occupiers–The New, Low Rent New Yorkers

They eat pretty high on the hog, at least two are exhibitionists, they have a problem with the thieves among them, they’re gettimg a pass on their public anti-semitism and excepting Saturdays when the crowds come in, they’re a (rather small) bunch of wierdos. One was busted for exposing himself to kids in Seattle; another…… Continue reading Update on The Occupiers–The New, Low Rent New Yorkers

Seriously, THIS is War – extra Danish tax on saturated fat

Okay, now an idiot government has done it. Denmark has passed an extra tax on foods with saturated fat content. (That includes DANISH BUTTER. ARGH!) The tax isn’t really all that much in the larger scheme of things and according to the AFP article that was referenced in an American Thinker blog this morning by…… Continue reading Seriously, THIS is War – extra Danish tax on saturated fat

Govt Must Make Sure We Eat Right–Sec. of Agriculture

Ag boss Tom Vilsack feels responsible toward our poor food choices; he’s going to do something about them. If Obama’s EPA or Energy bosses are any example, he’s not going to worry about whenter we want such “help.” Agriculture Secretary: Americans Need To ‘Adjust’ Their Tastes To Like Healthy Food gives the story. Mr. Vilsack said:…… Continue reading Govt Must Make Sure We Eat Right–Sec. of Agriculture