Top 10 reasons Obama Won’t Become Hillary’s Veep

10. Doesn’t have the legs for the maid outfit.
9. Too claustrophobic to spend four years chained to the wall in the White House basement.
8. Can’t afford to lose any more of Michelle’s respect.
7. Unnerved by Hillary’s constant viewing of “Mandingo”.
6. Doesn’t want to have to drag Bill out of strip clubs.
5. “What wine goes with a double whopper and cheese?”
4. Will lose his spot on the UFO when it comes to take him and his followers to Venus.
3. Hillary’s threatened to take away his Wii.
2. Doesn’t want to be held responsible when newsroom at MSNBC commits mass suicide.
And the number one reason Obama won’t become Hillary’s Veep:

1. Sick of trying to convince her he CAN eat Bacon.

By hairybeast

He Raves, He Rants He's lost his PANTS!

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